Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Thursday, February 14, 2008


such a sneaky little grin-he's thinking about diving right in!
yum-birthday cake!

new wagon from Grammie & Grandpa

static mohawk

singing & dancing birthday gorilla from uncle Jay & auntie Sheila

crazy bed head-the morning of my birthday!

It's hard to believe it's been a year since our sweet baby boy came into our lives. we can't even remember life as it was without him. it sure has been an amazing and fun journey this past year. being a parent and watching your child grow & learn every day is definitely the most rewarding thing. it sure makes us appreciate our parents and grandparents in a whole different way too knowing how great of a job they did at raising us. it's kind of sad in a way at how fast he's growing up, it seems like i blinked and all of a sudden he's ONE! at the same time though, it's exciting thinking about all the fun times and memories we have to look forward to.
As far as any new tricks go, well, he doesn't really have any. he's starting to stand on his own, but not quite taking any steps. believe it or not, he's pretty cautious and will only let go for a split second when he's standing at the coffee table or couch. maybe he'll be walking by the time we go on our cruise-in 2 weeks! Hayden says "da da" and "mum" (thanks to Grandpa!) and if you ask him "what does the puppy say" he'll be sure to tell you, although it sounds like hooting, not barking. we've been doing sign language with him now for a few months and i think some of them are starting to sink in (milk & more) but he does everything at his own pace. im sure he knows how to wave bye bye and say more words, haha-he probably CAN walk, but since we're trying to get him to, he won't! only when he feels like it. he definitely has a mind of his own and the best personality. here's a few pictures from the family birthday at grandma & grandpa Lums house